The present General Conditions of Sale set out details of the entitlements and obligations of the company SEIA Electronique and its clients in the context of the repair and sale of industrial electronic equipment.
SEIA Electronique, having its registered office at: ZI les Hauts de Plaisance – 8 Rue de Ratacas – 11100 NARBONNE, is entered in the Trade & Companies Register of Narbonne under n° 439 239 872, APE Code APE 3313Z, as a simplified joint stock company with capital of €353,350.
By placing an order, clients acknowledge the present General Conditions of Sale, and their full compliance with the latter is assumed.
Any clause or particular conditions of purchase included in the order form of the Client which contravene the present conditions shall be deemed to be null and void.
The present conditions shall be available on-line on our website (, in response to a simple request.
Article 1 – Quotations:
Our quotations are free of charge, and shall be valid for one month; upon the expiry of this term, equipment shall be subject to disposal without further notice.
As the dismantling of your product will be required for the purposes of appraisal, it will be returned in its existing condition, in the event that a quotation is not accepted.
We reserve the right to cancel your order in the event of hidden defects.
A supplementary quotation may be issued, in the event that a defect is not diagnosed in conjunction with the initial appraisal.
SEIA Electronique reserves the right to invoice expenses for the investigation of breakdowns and the preparation of quotations.
For private individuals, a charge of €200 incl. taxes shall be requested for all appraisal quotations.
Article 2 – Orders:
An order shall become effective upon the receipt by SEIA Electronique of the order form or quotation, dated and signed by the client.
SEIA reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order from a client with whom a previous dispute has occurred.
Article 3 – On-site operations under a service order:
Tariffs in force shall be specified in the operation form which is submitted to the client.
The operation will be scheduled upon the receipt of the service order, signed and dated by the client.
In the event of cancellation by the client, preparation and/or working time shall be invoiced to a minimum amount of €200.
Working hours: Monday to Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. On-site operations shall finish at 6:00 p.m. and resume on the following day (subject to the addition of travel costs).
Travel costs shall be considered for departures from Narbonne, unless indicated otherwise.
Any overtime shall be subject to a surcharge of 25%, and any incomplete hour shall be chargeable.
SEIA Electronique shall employ every endeavour to restore the correct operation of the devices in its charge, provided that it is the sole service provider for the entire machine, and subject to the limits of what is repairable.
All operations shall be invoiced, regardless of outcome.
Any on-site operation shall be executed under the responsibility of the commissioning company, who shall undertake to provide the services of engineers and all necessary facilities, and to secure the site of operations. In the event of non-compliance with these terms, SEIA Electronique shall reserve the right to cancel the service, which shall be considered payable in full.
Article 4 – Guarantee:
Guarantees shall be effective from the issue of the delivery note.
Guarantee claims shall be filed at the earliest opportunity, and equipment returned to the SEIA workshop within the term of cover.
Repaired and tested equipment: the guarantee term shall be 2 years, covering the repair operation, and excluding any other components.
Repaired and untested equipment: the guarantee term shall be 1 year, covering the repair operation, and excluding any other components.
Used equipment: the guarantee term shall be 1 year, covering all electronics.
New equipment: only the manufacturer’s guarantee shall be applicable.
SEIA Electronique shall reserve the right to apply no guarantee, under certain conditions:
– Where equipment is in an excessively poor condition (advanced state of oxidation, general condition …)
– Where a targeted repair instruction is dictated by a partner …
– The applicable guarantee for your product shall be notified in the body of the quotation.
SEIA Electronique shall not be held liable, under any circumstances, for any malfunction associated with start-up operations on the premises of the client. No compensation shall be claimed for loss of production or consequential losses.
Article 5 – Delivery:
Delivery shall be executed:
– by the direct handover of goods by our sales representative; or
– by the submission of a notice of availability for collection from our workshops; or
– by a carrier, at the location indicated by the client on the order form.
The delivery time notified at the time of the logging of an order is provided by way of indication only, and shall not be guaranteed under any circumstances, given that lead times may be subject to extension, particularly on the grounds of difficulties in procurement from our suppliers. Consequently, any reasonable delay in the delivery of products shall not confer an entitlement to compensation and/or the cancellation of the order.
Article 6 – Transport:
In the event of any loss or deterioration of goods during transport, the client, upon the receipt of said goods, the client shall enter all necessary reservations in the shipping note, and shall notify SEIA Electronique thereof at the earliest opportunity.
Equipment shall be submitted subject to the addition of carriage charges, unless agreed otherwise beforehand.
Under no circumstances shall SEIA Electronique be held liable for the deterioration of equipment, delays and/or losses during transport.
Article 7 – Reservation of ownership:
SEIA Electronique shall reserve ownership of any goods sold or repaired, pending the full settlement of the price, by way of capital and ancillary charges, in accordance with Law n° 80. 335 of 12th May 1980.
However, any risks associated with the damage or loss of products shall be transferred to the client upon delivery.
Any payments on account in favour of SEIA Electronique shall be retained by the latter, by way of compensation.
Article 8 – Terms of settlement:
An invoice shall be issued further to the delivery of products repaired or sold.
Invoices shall be settled under the conditions defined at the time of ordering. The term of settlement shall be 30 days from the month-end of the invoice date, unless contractually provided otherwise.
Excepting any express exemption, payments shall be settled with no discounts.
For an initial order, SEIA may be entitled to require the following:
– either an advance payment on the order, wherein a pro forma invoice shall be submitted to the client and goods shall be dispatched upon the receipt of settlement; or
– settlement upon the receipt of the invoice.
Any request for the opening of an account shall be accompanied by the customary commercial references.
In the event of non-compliance with the terms of settlement agreed, or any arrears, SEIA Electronique shall reserve the right to withdraw conditions previously agreed, without prior notice.
SEIA Electronique shall reserve the right, without prior notice, to request advance payments or cash settlements in the event of disputes, and to adjust terms of settlement accordingly.
Article 9 – Credits:
All our credit notes shall be valid for a term of 1 year. Credits shall be deducted from future invoices.
Article 10 – Default in settlement
In the event of arrears in settlement, in accordance with Article L 441-6 of the Commercial Code, compensation shall be enforceable, calculated on the basis of three times the statutory interest rate in force, together with flat-rate compensation to the amount of 40 euros, for recovery costs.
Any default in settlement, on any grounds whatsoever, with respect to all or part of the goods or services ordered shall entitle SEIA Electronique to suspend any dispatch operations pending, and to classify the balance of the order, and any subsequent orders, as automatically terminated forthwith, with no requirement for any formal warning or judicial formality, wherein any entitlements or compensation shall be reserved in favour of SEIA Electronique.
Article 11 – Limits of service:
SEIA Electronique shall be bound by a duty of due care only, and shall not, under any circumstances, be subject to an obligation for the achievement of a specific result, wherein SEIA Electronique shall undertake to employ its best endeavours, in accordance with professional practices.
Article 12 – Force majeure:
The liability of SEIA Electronique shall not be enforceable, in the event that any non-execution or delay in the execution of any of the obligations described in the present General Conditions of Sale is attributable to an instance of force majeure. In this regard, force majeure shall be understood as any external, unforeseeable and unavoidable event, within the meaning of Article 1148 of the Civil Code.
Article 13 – Settlement of disputes:
In the absence of amicable settlement, any dispute shall be referred to the Commercial Court of Narbonne.
The present General Conditions of Sale, and all relations between the parties, shall be exclusively governed by French law.